"Motorcycle" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) My motorcycle raged beneath me: at night, it drove me home. While looking at the...
"The Fisherman" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text, music), Gorsheniov (lead vocal) On the lake, there was sitting a fisherman, holding a fishing rod in his hands and...
"The Dark Teacher" [2010]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) That was not the law that gave the power. As a representative of the dark nation, he...
"The Drevlians remember bitterly..." [2000] (The Drevlians were one of the Slavic nations Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) Many years have passed, but the Drevlians remember bitterly about the romantic...
"Trader of Nightmares" [2006]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) In a square, a man, seemingly decent, was hanging around. He was afraid of going...