"The Puppet Theater" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocals) To the puppet theater, a dwarf invited everybody: "Those, who come tonight, will...
"King and Jester" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) For many days, the king was sad, and people had no idea what the trouble was, so...
"Jolly Trolls" [1996]Short intro: a story about socially important forest trolls! Layered humor and fun music – I love when the perspectives rotate 180...
"The Hunter" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) It was getting dark outside - the night was coming. At a kitchen table, there were...
"A Father and Masks" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) One young father, in a good early morning, took his children to the park for a walk....
"Forester" [1991]Song: Knyazev (text, music), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) Exhausted from the road, I was deadly tired. In the house of a forester I...
"The Two Friends" [1996]Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal) Two friends were walking home on the night road. Suddenly, a whole crowd of robbers...