"A Funny Advice" [2002]
Song: Knyazev (text, introductory voice), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal)
Knyaz: No matter how smart a person might seem, no matter what glorious ideas this person brings into life, but, in complete solitude for ever, shall the person always be a naughty rascal and fool!
Gorshok: A hundred-year-old jester grabbed his grandson by the shoulders: “Remember, dude, that life is a funny thing! When sadness finds you in the stream of days, laugh – and it will go away!”
The jester was dying, trying to smile. He kept on repeating: “Learn, kid, to laugh! Everyone has problems, but this is complete nonsense! A merry, sonorous laugh - and there is no grief!”
The boy jumped up to the grandpa and, following his advice, burst out with laughing – as silly as brainless! From these sounds, the grandfather rushed away to the other world, on having left on earth his funny advice.
Possible interpretation: Before giving or accepting an advice, think twice. The situation might turn even more comic. The second inseparable interpretation comes up: jesters cry, too – the deeper their pain, the louder their laugh.
In Russian: http://www.korol-i-shut.ru/disco/59/
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