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"Stone to the Head" [1996]

Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal)

In one provincial town, there was a holiday and music played. But, in the cheerful crowd, a sinister face of a wanderer appeared. He walked as if he was alone – the crowd did not pay attention to him – but the dogs stared at him somewhat strangely...

In a black cylinder and in an old-fashioned outfit, the traveler was hurrying to the town for a holiday. He was making his way through mountains and smiling, but a stone happened to fall into the abyss from the mountain peaks...

He wore a dirty cloak, and his black cylinder was crumpled. He was looking under his feet, and, in the fist, he squeezed a mask – but someone yelled, "Hello! You should also have some fun! On such a merry, bright day, how can you be so unhappy?"

In a black cylinder and in an old-fashioned outfit, the traveler was hurrying to the town for a holiday. He was making his way through mountains and smiling, but a stone happened to fall into the abyss from the mountain peaks...

And the villain lifted his gaze and with an angry voice replied: "I would have tormented all of you, and that is why I am so unhappy. In a mask of red monkey, to your holiday I dreamed to come, if only the damned stone would not have fallen onto my head!"

In a black cylinder and in an old-fashioned outfit, the traveler was hurrying to the town for a holiday. He was making his way through mountains and smiling, but a stone happened to fall into the abyss from the mountain peaks...

Possible interpretation: I have always believed that the possible interpretation is in going for an aim despite anything, including death, like in the anecdote "The pathologist died but still went to his work." It turned out, though, that the musicians meant sudden changes in personality - well, this is very cool! It is also interesting to mention that in the song "The Gathering", released later in 1996, we see a plenty of characters from other songs, such as Forester, King and Jester: beside them at the table, there are sitting gnomes, who "are not bored" and singing songs about mountains. There is only one song by Korol i Shut with mountains in its contents - could it be the gnomes, who threw a stone down on the traveler from the mountain peaks?

In Russian:

Король и Шут - Камнем по Голове


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in memory of M. Gorsheniov,

the King and the Jester,

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