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"The Answer is Revenge" [2001]

Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal)

Again, a sleepless night: the moon is looking through the window. Probably, the moon knows why nightmares torment me!

Again, I hear dry crackling of fire, and my wife is screaming, who burned up in bed for a year ago. Below is my neighbor – I hear him raving. There, in the cellar, the light gone out caused a very strange death!

The husband is angry and will take revenge. They are honest people, so God will forgive them… Jealousy is a disaster, but treason is a trifle. So, this is how the world is made: there, where are the two, the third has no place. But in my walls, there is no place for those two!

Moon, you are not sleeping, you are watching me. What I hear, hear yourself! Destroy, I beg you, all those sounds!

The husband is angry and will take revenge. They are honest people, so God will forgive them... So, this is how the world is made: there, where are the two, the third has no place. But in my walls, there is no place for those two!

Here is my answer...! They are not in the house, but their screams are here!

In Russian:

Король и Шут - Ответ Лютая Месть


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in memory of M. Gorsheniov,

the King and the Jester,

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