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TODD - Act 1 "I. Good People"

The narrator's voice: The fog wraps this city up like a shroud. There reign madness, vice and deceit. The city of gloomy slums, all devoured by evil. At night, the wing of darkness covers the city. The night, like a raven, looks in the eyeholes of the houses. This city is impeccably black. Only crowds of shadows, only metal of Thames – this city is scarier than the living dead is. The luxurious palaces host the eternal cold, mould and rot, and Big Ben struck hours to the dead. Have you ever been to London, sir? This city is impeccably grey.

The Chorus of the Poor: He conceived our frail world as a kingdom of light and peace. Our world should be like that, but where have you seen it to be that way?

Anyone may get a spit into the soul, regardless achievements and destinies. Here, anyone may be robbed and killed, falsely accused and made helpless.

People, good people, may our world imbue with the good!

Make hope for neither charity, nor mercy. They will not throw a soil on the coffin. They eat each other, crunching, and gnaw round the bones.

Fathers eat their own children – creators eat themselves. Around, the dead are walking, with such kind eyes!

People, good people, may our world imbue with the good!

The narrator’s voice: This horrifying story happened exactly 150 years ago, eventually, but hitherto it excites the imagination, and its blood from time to time appears on the grey London pavements.

TODD - Act 1 "Feast of Blood" - Korol i Shut:

TODD - Акт 1 "I. Добрые Люди" - Король и Шут


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in memory of M. Gorsheniov,

the King and the Jester,

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