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TODD - Act 2 "IV. Performance of the Judge"

The Judge and the Choir: The world is a case of twice two makes four, and any exceptions in it are rare – everything is corrupt in this world, from the blonde to the brunette. There is really no need to trust the sweet lyre – everything is corrupt in this world, from the judge to the executioner.

After so many heads chopped off, the drive for romance disappears. I need a sip of pure air to feel again that exciting passion to a beautiful woman and to fall in her fresh arms.

But on the couch I see again the same mugs: some are older, some are younger, some are cheaper, some are costlier. It is all the same: a pound more, a pound less, despite the gender and rank - in the world of purchasable women and bribed men.

After so many heads chopped off, the drive for romance disappears. I need a sip of pure air to feel again that exciting passion to a beautiful woman and to come close to her healing spring.

Thus, at nights, week-by-week, with my eyes unclosed and with my body sweating, I am waiting for a dream and praying the Lord to send me something, which I could not buy for money.

The Judge and the Choir: After so many heads chopped off, the drive for romance disappears. I need a sip of pure air to feel again that exciting passion to a beautiful woman and to press myself to her fair image.

The narrator’s voice: One dark and gloomy London evening, the Judge hears a lovely sweet voice coming from the church...

TODD - Act 2 "At the Edge" - Korol i Shut:

TODD - Акт 2 "IV. Выход Судьи" - Король и Шут


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Open site in English, made of open data,

in memory of M. Gorsheniov,

the King and the Jester,

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