"Waterman" ("Vodyanoy" in Russian is a Slavic natural water spirit) [2002]
Song: Knyazev (text), Gorsheniov (music, lead vocal)
In a forest pond, the water played with sunlight. Capiton was passing it by from the hunt, carrying a beaver on his shoulders.
At the sultry daytime, he went home, tired, on a forest road. At the pond, as always, he stopped by to wash his face.
Sometimes, cold water is refreshing in the heat of the day. To avoid misfortunes – hey, man! – do not go there, to the water!
The water were distorting the reflection badly: "What a freak, my goodness! The whole beard is in leeches. What a nonsense! As if after four pails of brew! Aged, savaged, gone all hairy – ugly like a dog!"
Soon, the very angry Waterman came out from the water depth: "Are you insane, you moron! In my pond, I will not tolerate this! If I see you here again, I will drown you right away!"
"I ask the lord of the pond for excuse. Just on seeing you, I thought it was me!"
In Russian: http://www.korol-i-shut.ru/disco/59/
Король и Шут - Водяной